RCF Adult Climbing League
Season runs from October 17th through November 14th (5 weeks total)
League nights run every Monday night from 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Teams must consist of 2-4 climbers. A minimum of 2 climbers from your team must be present for your team’s score to count each week.
Teams are allowed to miss a maximum of 1 week in order to qualify for finale rankings & prizes.
15 points will be added to a team’s average for the night when the given week’s theme is fulfilled.
Each climber’s individual score on a given night is the average of their 4 best climbs on said night. Bouldering, top rope, and lead climbing all are included in the league.
EXAMPLE: Climber’s top 4 climbs: 120, 100, 100, & 90 = 410/4 = 102.5 total score for that week
Each team’s total score on a given night is the average of all team members’ individual scores earned on said night.
EXAMPLE: Climber 1: 100, Climber 2: 130, Climber 3: 110 = 340/3 = 113.33 total score for that week
You must complete 4 climbs. If you do not complete 4 climbs, a 0 will be placed in spot of however many climbs you did not complete.
Each team’s FINAL SCORE will be calculated at the end of the league season. Your team’s 4 highest scoring weeks will be used to determine your team’s final score (lowest week will be dropped).
Scorecards will be collected at the end of each night. Team scores will be uploaded to the Adult Climbing League Score Page by Friday evening and will be posted on the Instagram stories before the following Wednesday.
Top team prizes will be awarded to the members of the teams achieving the top 3 final score.
Climb Requirements
Climbs completed outside of the announced starting and stopping times will not be counted towards scoring.
Climbs will only be counted if done cleanly:
1) Controlling the starting hold or holds with both hands, and having feet off the ground for 3 seconds before moving on
2) Climbing without falling or *resting on the rope
3) Only using holds designated for a given climb
4) Controlling the finishing hold or holds with one hand for 3 seconds
*In order to avoid resting on the rope, belayers must allow a small amount of slack in their belay. Should a climber be seen climbing with a taut belay, other than in the act of preparing to lower, that attempt will be disqualified.
For a climb to count, you must have someone witness you complete it and initial.
Climbers still on a climb after the stopping time has been announced may continue to climb provided they have left the ground and do not fall, hang or otherwise disqualify their attempt.
Should a climber fall, rest or otherwise disqualify an attempt, they may return to the ground and repeat their attempt as many times as desired within the time allotted that night.
Adult Climbing League Handicap Scoring System
Your V-Flash and Rope Flash are your flash grades for bouldering and ropes, respectively. Flash means you can walk up to a climb, knowing the beta (information about the climb), and send it (complete it). The V-Flash and Rope Flash are subject to change each week depending on your scores. If 2 of your weeks scores goes higher than 3 grades above your flash grade, your flash grade will get bumped up that week.
In case of injuries but can still climb-we can bump your flash grade down.
You will have a Boulder Flash Grade, Top Rope Flash Grade, and Lead Climb Flash Grade. (If you only climb one discipline that is fine!, don’t need to climb all three)